Monday, February 15, 2010

Oh deer

Well, Hello there!

{Ps. 42:2}

I have been absent from the real world for a few days.  I had the privilege of taking a group of teenagers to Ruidoso, NM for a fun ski trip this passed weekend!  It was A-MA-ZING! 

The teens were awesome!  Love them soooo much.  Our youth group is growing and I can't wait to see how the Lord is going to work in the lives of these young whippersnappers.  Gosh....God is So Good!

We drove down Friday night, skiied all day Saturday and Sunday.  A group of us drove back Sunday night, but some waited until Monday to come home.  It was a quick trip, but soooo worth it!  The weather was beautiful, the snow was incredible, the company...delightful. 

Oh, and I may gone with 20 other people, but you wouldn't know it from the leftover proof on my camera.  14 teens, 6 adults, tons of beautiful scenery.  And the only thing I captured were a couple of deer.  Ha!  Gotta love it!

Happy Monday!
♥ michelle

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Michelle! You went skiing!! Two of the three blogs I have visited this a.m. have been about peoples' ski trips. And since I LOVE skiing and I haven't been for over 10 years, I wonder . . . is God trying to tell me something?

    Glad you got to go and that it was so wonderful!
