Monday, February 22, 2010

Laughter Mondays

I like to celebrate Mondays.  It's the start of a new week.  Something fresh.  Something exciting

It always confuses me when people say "it is such a Monday!"  Because I think if we were really honest, we sometimes have those days whether it's Monday, Tuesday, or Friday.  So I kinda think it's a shame to go into this day of the week with an already pessimistic attitude.  I say, "bring it on Monday!  Let's get this party started!" 

But I always was a Positive Polly.

Anywho, I think I'm gonna start something new on this here blog.  And it's called Laughter Mondays.  Because it's best to start the week of right...and what other way than laughing??? 

So for today I have a joke and a story. 

The joke:

***Disclaimer:  I love corny jokes.  They rock my world.  Make my heart sing.  It is my dream to one day write and publish a joke book full of jokes that are actually funny.  And clean.  However, this one is a teensy bit dirty.  We'll call it "smudged".  But it just makes me laugh.  And I have a picture.  So that makes it better.  And in case you're leery to continue reading, do it.  It's really funny, and in no way exceptionally dirty.  Just "smudged."

What's the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts?

Wait for it.........


...............  =)  ...............

Beer nuts are a dollar twenty five ($1.25) and deer nuts are under a buck!!!!

{Another Ruidoso deer}

Hahaha!  See, aren't you glad you continued reading?!  That joke makes me giggle every. single. time.  Love it.

Now for this sweet story to put a smile on your face:

A little boy and his daddy were looking at a litter of puppies, planning to buy one, and the daddy asked the boy which one he wanted.  The lad pointed to a pup whose tail was wagging furiously and said, "That one with the happy ending."

{Image curtesy of Spike Bachman}

Hope your Monday is filled with laughter and smiles, and a very happy ending!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Happy Sonday

"No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn."
-Hal Borland

"We also rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces perseverance, and perseverance, proven character, and proven character, hope.  And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the holy Spirit that has been given to us."
-Romans 5:3-5

Monday, February 15, 2010

Oh deer

Well, Hello there!

{Ps. 42:2}

I have been absent from the real world for a few days.  I had the privilege of taking a group of teenagers to Ruidoso, NM for a fun ski trip this passed weekend!  It was A-MA-ZING! 

The teens were awesome!  Love them soooo much.  Our youth group is growing and I can't wait to see how the Lord is going to work in the lives of these young whippersnappers.  Gosh....God is So Good!

We drove down Friday night, skiied all day Saturday and Sunday.  A group of us drove back Sunday night, but some waited until Monday to come home.  It was a quick trip, but soooo worth it!  The weather was beautiful, the snow was incredible, the company...delightful. 

Oh, and I may gone with 20 other people, but you wouldn't know it from the leftover proof on my camera.  14 teens, 6 adults, tons of beautiful scenery.  And the only thing I captured were a couple of deer.  Ha!  Gotta love it!

Happy Monday!
♥ michelle

Friday, February 12, 2010



{beautiful Colorado in Summer}

Instead, I woke up to this

{Cold Lubbock in Winter}

Dear Summer,
Please hurry.  My bones are achy, my hands are dry n cracked from scraping ice, and my electric bill would like a break.  Plus, I desperately need a snow flip flops are lonely. 
Miss you,
♥ michelle

Dear Spring,
Please bring pretty flowers and green grass to dreary Lubbock ASAP.  We West Texans are suffering from the dreaded LOAPA disorder.  [Lack-of-anything-pretty-around].  K?  
♥ michelle
P.S. How 'bout you leave the wind that normally accompanies you with your evil stepbrother, Winter. mmm k?  thanks very much!  

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

She's the maccaroni... my cheese.

I just love this girl. 

No one can make me laugh as hard or as long.  She is hysterical.  Laugh-so-hard-I-pee-in-my-pants funny. 

She's also beautiful.

And she's smart. 
And loves the Lord with her everything.
She has one of the quickest wits I know.
And she is one mean scrapbookin' machine. 
She's got the sweetest moves on a diving board you will ever see.
Plus, she can out-eat every boy I know.  

She's also a little sassy:
And super opinionated. 
She's an amazing dancer.
And one of the most loyal people I know.
And did I mention funny?  Yep, she can have an entire room of people in stiches, rollin' on the ground, beggin' for mercy. 

But, my sweet, beautiful, funny, wonderful friend... leaving me.

Yep, she's chasing her dreams.  And following her heart.

She found out 2 weeks ago that she got accepted to UTMB medical school.  [See, told you she was smart.]  So she'll be packin' up her gear, and moving to Galveston.

Which is no where close to Amarillo! 
We just got reunited in May after my long stint in Waco at Baylor.  {read all about our reunion celebration here.} 

Now don't get me wrong.  I'm sooo proud of her.  Thrilled.  Ecstatic.  She is getting the opportunity to do what she has always wanted to do:  help people.  And she's going to be so fantastic at it. 

But my little selfish heart wants to have my best friend close to home. 

So that we can water ski, and have impromptu photoshoots, and scrapbook for days straight. 
I mean really, who else can I get to belt "Why'd you come in here lookin' like that" by Dolly Parton on a ski lift for all the world (or all of Wolf Creek at least) to hear?  And who is going to eat all my red Skittles?  Or have cooking catastrophes where we nearly burn the house down?

We're like peanut butter and jelly.  She's my other half. 

And I'm gonna miss her.  So. Much. 

But Britt, sister,
You go to Galveston. 
And you show those islanders what a REAL Texan is all about.  =)
And kick med school's tail! 
And when you finally get done, when you have the knowledge to shape and change lives, and the tools to make a BIG difference in this world...well, I'll be here.  In West Texas.  With my arms open wide.  Ready to congratulate you.  Ready to watch you shine.  Ready to point at one of the prettiest gals I know and say, "yep, that's MY best friend.  The doc.  She's somethin' special." 
Can't wait to watch you run this race!  I love that you are sooo courageous.  You are gonna do great things! 
Thanks for dreaming BIG.  Go get 'em sister!
oh, and one more thing...after you go and get all educated, and you think you're all smart and get too big for your britches...remember this...I can always pull out the mud wrestling video to knock you back down to size.  And don't forget, I can still school you at cards.  oh and another thing.  Even if you are all smart and can sign your name Dr. Porter and all...well, green beans should still be cooked with BACON.  You won't ever win that argument, matter how many degrees you get.  k? 

Oh, and for all you men out there...soooo sorry.  But she's also taken:

Love ya, Britt! 

Monday, February 8, 2010

Scatterin' some Son-shine

{just love those West TX sunsets}
this was taken FROM MY CAR going 70 MPH
down i-27.  love my Canon!

Don't you just love it when our sweet Lord sneaks up on you, refreshing you, even if you didn't know you needed refreshment?

That's the exact experience I had yesterday. 

I have an on-going journal where I write names of people who have come in and out of my life, leaving special marks on my heart.  These sweet angels have brought me a lifetime of JOY!  I also keep a running list of specific intentions, and it's a beautiful thing to see the way the Lord answers these prayers.  Simply beautiful.

Awhile back, I was praying over this journal in church and a verse struck out at me.  I didn't have time to really read it and meditate on it, so I quickly jotted it down, intending to look it up when I got home.  Weeks went by, and then months, and I just never got around to reading this little Scripture snack. 

Yesterday, I finally got around to checking out this nugget from the Word, and boy, it was just what I needed!  Gotta love that sneaky Jesus stuff!  =)

Instead of copying the entire passage, I'm just going to share with you the bits n pieces that tugged at my heart strings.

Psalm 19:8-15
  • the law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul.
  • the command of the Lord is clear, enlightening the eye.
  • cleanse me from my unknown faults. *
  • from willful sins keep your servant, let them never control me.
  • Let the words of my mouth meet with your favor, keep the thoughts of my heart before you, Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
I just loved the Truth presented here. 

I often here people complaining about the "rules" of Christianity...but for me, I've never felt the need to complain.  And these verses just embody that feeling for me.  His law is refreshes us!  His command is clear, let it enlighten us! 

This gift is something to rejoice over, not complain.  Especially when we take into account the last few lines:
the Psalmist reminds us that we don't follow Him alone...He is our strength, our rock and redeemer.  It's such a beautiful dance we get to make with Him.  It should be a JOY to follow Him faithfully... we will fail, but He gave us the Cross of Hope.  He is our strength.  Our salvation. 

I wish I was more eloquent like so many of the beautiful bloggers I read.  I often feel like I can't adequately express the joy. love. hope. I get from our Prince. 

Let me wrap up my ramblings:
my favorite verse from this little diddy has the * by it.  "Cleanse me from unknown faults."  That is my prayer for this week. 
Teach me in the ways of the soul, dear Lord, that I may become more and more like You.  Cleanse me of those hidden faults, so that You shine through.  Use me, to scatter your Sonshine. 

♥ michelle

Sunday, February 7, 2010

All I Gotta Say Is...

Go Cowboys!!!!

What are your big plans for Super Bowl Sunday?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Get the varmit some glasses, will ya?!?!

I mean really, how hard is it to see your shadow?

Thanks to this little fella:

we have 6 more weeks of winter. 

I might not survive.  I have been a Michelle popsicle since cerca OCTOBER!  Sheesh.  Enough is enough!

Luckily I have these delicious life savers to help me cope.

Hurry up, Spring!  We miss youuuuu!!!!