Monday, February 8, 2010

Scatterin' some Son-shine

{just love those West TX sunsets}
this was taken FROM MY CAR going 70 MPH
down i-27.  love my Canon!

Don't you just love it when our sweet Lord sneaks up on you, refreshing you, even if you didn't know you needed refreshment?

That's the exact experience I had yesterday. 

I have an on-going journal where I write names of people who have come in and out of my life, leaving special marks on my heart.  These sweet angels have brought me a lifetime of JOY!  I also keep a running list of specific intentions, and it's a beautiful thing to see the way the Lord answers these prayers.  Simply beautiful.

Awhile back, I was praying over this journal in church and a verse struck out at me.  I didn't have time to really read it and meditate on it, so I quickly jotted it down, intending to look it up when I got home.  Weeks went by, and then months, and I just never got around to reading this little Scripture snack. 

Yesterday, I finally got around to checking out this nugget from the Word, and boy, it was just what I needed!  Gotta love that sneaky Jesus stuff!  =)

Instead of copying the entire passage, I'm just going to share with you the bits n pieces that tugged at my heart strings.

Psalm 19:8-15
  • the law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul.
  • the command of the Lord is clear, enlightening the eye.
  • cleanse me from my unknown faults. *
  • from willful sins keep your servant, let them never control me.
  • Let the words of my mouth meet with your favor, keep the thoughts of my heart before you, Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
I just loved the Truth presented here. 

I often here people complaining about the "rules" of Christianity...but for me, I've never felt the need to complain.  And these verses just embody that feeling for me.  His law is refreshes us!  His command is clear, let it enlighten us! 

This gift is something to rejoice over, not complain.  Especially when we take into account the last few lines:
the Psalmist reminds us that we don't follow Him alone...He is our strength, our rock and redeemer.  It's such a beautiful dance we get to make with Him.  It should be a JOY to follow Him faithfully... we will fail, but He gave us the Cross of Hope.  He is our strength.  Our salvation. 

I wish I was more eloquent like so many of the beautiful bloggers I read.  I often feel like I can't adequately express the joy. love. hope. I get from our Prince. 

Let me wrap up my ramblings:
my favorite verse from this little diddy has the * by it.  "Cleanse me from unknown faults."  That is my prayer for this week. 
Teach me in the ways of the soul, dear Lord, that I may become more and more like You.  Cleanse me of those hidden faults, so that You shine through.  Use me, to scatter your Sonshine. 

♥ michelle

1 comment:

  1. Which Canon do you have??? AMAZING photo. I love West Texas sunsets! And sunrises. =)
