Friday, April 2, 2010


It has been a hectic couple of weeks, and so on this Good Friday, I was excited to get to sleep in...

And then my Papa John called me to tell me that my car (which was at my parents' house) had been broken into last night.


We live out in the country, in a quiet neighborhood, with kids and dogs running all over the place.  That's just crazy!

It really is not the end of the world.  The biggest thing the thief took was over 300 cds.  I had a HUGE case of cds...which is fine...they can have 'em.  But the sad thing is I also was carrying my best friend's GINORMOUS case of cds as well.  Sigh. 

It's just stuff

However, on this Friday, this day of remembrance, I cannot help but think about our Jesus.  How He was stripped of His clothes, beaten, robbed of His humanity, nailed to a Cross.  They (we) took everything He had, His pride, His integrity, the very clothes off His back, His Life.  He was mocked, scorned, laughed at.  Few along the way showed any signs of compassion.  And then He was nailed to a tree. 

And after all of that, we added to His burden by laying our sins on His back as He hung on that Cross. 

He did it willingly.  This Man of Sorrows. 

Puts into perspective the loss of a few cds, huh?

I pray that on this most somber of all days, you are able to set your heart on the Crucifixion our Lord. 

This beautiful day.  The day that True Love died.

1 comment:

  1. That just stinks about your car. Really stinks.

    But maybe it happened b/c someone needed to read this lovely post you wrote.

    Happy Easter, friend!
